Thursday, September 11, 2014

remember the day of the world headlines

       9 11   memorial                Remembering the day of the attack

The September attacks as September 11th were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist group al Quadea upon the untied states in new york city and the Washington D.C , metropolitan area on Tuesday  September 11 2001 the attack killed almost 3,000 people and cause at least 10 billion damage

Four passengers airliners were hijacked by 19 al Qaeda terrorist so they could be flown into building in suicide attacks .two of thoes planes American airlines flights 11 and untied airlines flights 175  were crashed into the north and south towers , respectively

If I remember that time
At the time of that crashing I cant tell if I remember of what happen because I was 3 years old when this happen so no I have no memory over that .
The twin towers where 2 towers that was also called the world trade center they had names well there where just called the south and north towers at first everybody thought that the first plane crash was a accident but when the 2 came in the world was in shock then a few minutes after that the pentagon was hit left corner section of the pentgon was hit and the last event that was tie into the crashing was the plane from Pennsylvania , Shanksville  

Reflection: when I saw the documentary on the twin tower I was shock

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